The Fat Kid

I’ve been thinking on this page for a while. Like, what is there for me to say about myself that’s relatable as my posts and funny. I feel like people can get to know me pretty well by the content I make, and the things that I say but…

I hate trying to write out who I am. It’s like digging deep into the bag of assorted candies just to see what you’ve got. Ooh, that’s actually a good metaphor? Maybe? Probably not.

I’m heavily sarcastic and curse like a sailor. I literally make my mother blush sometimes. Sorry, Mom. A lover of cats, a lot of people call me Kitten and I have an entire vocatulary dedicated to cat puns and phrases. Do they get old? Never. A creative force, I’ve written books, short stories, and countless pages I’ve later clicked ‘don’t save’ on. I miss them. I don’t read as much as I should have, I craved cake for at least two weeks last month – never got it. I’ve always struggled with losing weight. Hand in hand with mental health issues (namely massive anxiety and depression) it just never worked out. I am a very open person. I have no problem putting it out there, my thoughts and feelings and I feel like this blog is going to reflect a lot of that.

I’ve always wanted to keep a journal of sorts. When I was a child, I would be obsessed with trying to write just something down once a day. I couldn’t do it. I was boring. It was disappointing. But as I’ve grown older, and less afraid, I’ve decided I can put myself out there. And that’s what this blog is about for me. Breaking my mold, my barriers and being free.

I hate working out, but I love it at the same time. At least this stationary bike riding thing I’ve got going on. That shit’s my jam. I’d chose to sleep in over anything else, but in the same breath fear missing out on things. I’m complicated, over emotional and dramatic. I don’t really like who I am some days but on others? I’m a little bit of a fan. I mean seriously; who else is going to laugh at my craptastic jokes if not me? 🙂

~The Fat Kid